June 2022 updates

June 18 TUC National Demonstration

Preparations for the TUC march and demonstration in central London on the 18 June are well underway. Branches from around the country have committed themselves to ensuring that we have a great turnout. For those retired members who, for mobility reasons are unable to take part in the march, why not make your way to Parliament Square, which is the final destination of the march and where the speeches will be made. Several retired members have told us they have already decided to do this. If you can make the march it assembles at 10.30am Portland Place and departs at 12.00am and if you are concerned at transport getting there please contact either your Branch Secretary or Branch Retired Members Lead. The Retired Members National Committee (RMNC) looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible next Saturday.

Moving Retired Members Policies Forward

This year’s Annual Conference agreed on a number of policies important to our retired members. The main ones were related to the Health and Care Bill 2021, defending the Triple Lock and support for the WASPI women’s campaign for pensions justice.

Support for the WASPI Campaign

Members will be pleased to learn that the National Executive has agreed and we have already donated £5000 to the WASPI Campaign in support of the motion moved by the Northern Ireland Regional Committee. Branches and Regions are urged to affiliate to the WASPI Campaign and give whatever support they can to their organisation. Last year, WASPI women received a huge boost to their campaign when the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman ruled that the Department of Works & Pensions (DWP) should have given more notice of moves to raise their state pension retirement age. It ruled that this was ‘maladministration’ because 1950s women were not given adequate notice of the major changes to their State Pension.

The campaign has gained support from the Labour Party, the Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats. Individual Conservative MPs have expressed support and even Boris Johnson accepted the strength of their case when he said he would ‘sort it’ if the Conservative Party won the election. Our support both nationally and locally will help bring this to a satisfactory conclusion.

Health and Care Bill 2021

The Retired Members Conference (RMC) policy on the Health and Care Bill was moved by NRMC member Jeffrey Richards at the Annual Conference and was supported by no less than six other delegates at the Annual Conference. It was agreed unanimously. Although the Bill has already passed through parliament the campaign to improve its shortcomings continues and it is the intention of the NRMC to look at ways that we can support those trying to change and improve its provisions. This may involve articles, leaflets, posters and campaigning material.

Triple Lock

Although the Retired Members Conference policy on the Triple Lock was not discussed, because of time restrictions, it remains the RMC’s policy. Its future is still threatened, despite statements from the government that they intend to maintain it and its relegation to a Double Lock is only temporary, the opposition to it is as strong as ever. This comes from the Thatcherite wing of politics who some people may recall removed the link between the State Pension and the cost of living when in power. We will also look at how we can support the campaign to defend the mechanism. The government will be increasingly susceptible to pressure on this issue the closer we come to a general election particularly in the marginal seats. We intend to play a greater role in supporting this campaign and ideas on how we can make this more effective are very welcome.